see in a mirror

美 [siː ɪn ə ˈmɪrər]英 [siː ɪn ə ˈmɪrə(r)]
  • 在镜中看见
see in a mirrorsee in a mirror
  1. In other words , one is the reflection of the other that we would see in a mirror , with everything that is on the right in one configuration on the left in the other and vice versa .


  2. It 's smaller than when you see it in a mirror .


  3. Why can you see yourself in a mirror ?


  4. We see objects in a mirror , because a mirror , when hit by particles of light called photons , reflects the photons back to us and some reach , and enter , our eyes .


  5. This is a neuroscientific process where if you move your physical body and you have an avatar that moves what 's called synchronously ¨ C that means at the same time that you move your arm you see its arm move and you see that in a mirror as well as in the first person .


  6. If you see clearly thus , you will see the adamantine and indestructible body of the Tathagata just as you see things reflected in a mirror ( 13 ) .
